Out of the Box: Kunstbestand
Artist Talk mit Wilhelm Klotzek und Gitte Villesen
Elsa M’bala: Sequence
Elsa M’bala: Sequence
Knotting Choreographies
Farah Saleh: Gesturing Refugees
What does it take to cross a border?
Anne Juren: Plastering the Body
What does it take to cross a border?
Farah Saleh: Archiving Gestures
Mischa Leinkauf und Sandra Noeth: Two lectures and a dialogue
What does it take to cross a border?
Quarto: Communal Rope
What does it take to cross a border?
Anne Juren: The Lesson on the Skin
What does it take to cross a border?
Quarto: Thisentanglement
What does it take to cross a border?
deufert&plischke mit Kike García Gil: spinnen
What does it take to cross a border?
Guniwaya-ngigu (We Fight)
BE.BOP 2018
Stitches of Power / Stitches of Sorrow
BE.BOP 2018
From “Zwarte Piet is Racisme” to “I am Queen Mary”: Staging Europe’s ‘Innocence’ in the Public Sphere
BE.BOP 2018
Delinking: What do we as curators, artists and thinkers want?
BE.BOP 2018
No One Leaves Delilah: A (W)rap on Riots
Gespräch mit Vaginal Davis
An Afternoon with the Masks #2
Acting Decolonially - From Adrian To Zora: Black Women Performing
An Afternoon with the Masks #1
Performance, Masking and 'the limits of empathy and identification’
Driss Ksikes: Fatema Mernissi, a glocal feminist
Gallery Reflection #3
Art and (New) Intersectional Feminisms
Kathy-Ann Tan: Decolonial Aesthetics in „The Kissing Mask“
Some Reflections on Performance, Affect and Perception
Wura-Natasha Ogunji: Sweep
Wura-Natasha Ogunji: If I loved you
Every Mask I Ever Loved