Ragnar Farr – Mirage: Enigmas of Race, Difference and Desire (exh. cat.)
ICA, London, 1996
This interdisciplinary exhibition project is inspired by the Frantz Fanon’s writing, especially his most prolific one ‚Black Skin, White Masks‘
Tim Stüttgen – In a Qu*a*re time and place. Post-Slavery Temporalities, Blaxploitation, and Sun Ra’s Afrofuturism between Intersectionality and Heterogeneity
b_books, Berlin, 2014
In a Qu*a*re rather then in an (unmarked white) queer space, Stüttgen examines the post-slavery paradigm as an epistemological break in the predominantly white gender and queer studies.
Diedrich Diederichsen – Loving the Alien
ID Verlag, Berlin, 1998
Loving the Alien was a project with the Volksbühne Berlin in 1997, which aimed to bring topics of diaspora, science fiction and multiculture on the stage in form of music, theater and presentations.
Phylis Galembo – Maske
Chris boot/Aperture, 2010/2016
After two decades of documenting the religious and cultural traditions in Africa and in the African diaspora, this album features over 100 of Galembs masquerade photographs describing the transformative powers of masks.