Ecology looks at how an organism relates with, affects and is affected by its environment. An ecology of listening would be how through listening consciously we can affect and be affected by our environment or that which we listen to. What kinds of ecologies of listening are there and how can we connect through them? The third listening session focuses on listening as a physical practice – for both the body and the senses, and examines through somatic exercises how this influences how and what we hear. In resonance with the radio collective “Radio Comunitaria La Voz Indigena“ (Tartagal, Argentina) we explore how far an embodied practice of listening could enhance the ways in which we connect – to ourselves, to the environment and to other forms of life and nature. With Rosanna Lovell. Guest: Ela Spalding,
With Rosanna Lovell. Guest: Ela Spalding,
In Cooperation with: ColaBoraDio/ Freies Radio-Berlin Brandenburg