With Geraldine Juárez (artist), Alanna Lockward (curator BE.BOP), Walter Mignolo (advisor BE.BOP), Bhavisha Panchia (curator/researcher) and Alya Sebti (head of ifa Gallery Berlin)
The inaugural workshop of BE.BOP 2018. BLACK EUROPE BODY POLITICS. COALITIONS FACING WHITE INNOCENCE has two orientations. The first part is analytic and will consist in a communal conversation (panelist and audience in communality) on two significant exhibitions in the curatorial, philosophical and artistic spheres: New Sensorium. Exiting from Failures of Modernization, curated and spirited by Yuko Hasegawa and Reset Modernity!, curated and spirited by Bruno Latour. The two events were crowned by a public conversation between the two curators. The second part of the workshop will be devoted to engage in conversation with the panelist about their own work, responding to a basic question: Why are they doing what are they doing? The question is neither innocent nor detached from all of us. By asking this question to the panelists, the questions shall reflect back on ourselves: why are we doing what we are doing? The concept of “delinking” allows us to understand both the commonality between cultural dewesternization and cultural decoloniality: both are delinking from what Reset Modernity! is trying to prevent in order to maintain the universality of modern and postmodern management of believing, sensing, knowing and understanding. At the same time, it allows us to explore cultural decoloniality as (perhaps) delinking from both and walking the roads of its own communal decolonial aesthesis, delinking from the failures of modernity.
The language of the workshop is English.