On the occasion of the finissage of Chains of Interest
Saturday, 21.01.2023 / 13:00-19:00
Location: Polygon, ifa, Linienstraße 139/140, 10115 Berlin
On the first day, Nina Bingel will speak about touring exhibition practice, Maximilian Bauer about the digitalization of one hundred artworks from the collection of the ZfK (Center for Art Exhibitions of the GDR) on the digital platform Agora, and Ellen Strittmatter about the future of ifa art collection. Peter Hartmann and Hans-Jörg Schirmbeck will talk with Pauline Hohn (Art in Networks, TU Dresden / SPK) about their work as senior staff members of the ZfK. Matthias Flügge and Matthias Winzen present their approaches to the ifa art collection in connection with the ifa exhibition Weltreise, which they curated. The ifa representatives An Paenhuysen and Ulli Grötz will speak about their mediation work with the ifa touring exhibition of Rosemarie Trockel.
13:00 Welcome: Gitte Zschoch, ifa Secretary General. Followed by an introduction: Inka Gressel and Susanne Weiß, curators of the exhibition.
13:30 “Vision art collection”: Dr. Ellen Strittmatter, Head of Art Department, ifa
13:50 “https://agora.ifa.de: the hundred first works from the collection of the ZfK (Center for Art Exhibitions of the GDR)”: Maximilian Bauer, artist and freelancer at the ifa
14:20 Pauline Hohn (Art in Networks, TU Dresden) in conversation with Peter Hartmann and Hans-Jörg Schirmbeck, former senior staff members of the ZfK (Center for Art Exhibitions of the GDR)
15:00-15:40 Break
15:40 “The ifa touring exhibition format: history and practice”: Nina Bingel, former head of touring exhibition, ifa
16:00 “Working with ifa art collection: the world tour”: Matthias Flügge and Matthias Winzen, curators
16:40 “Side issues in art”: An Paenhuysen and Ulli Grötz, ifa representatives
17:20 Closing group discussion
Sunday, 22.01.2023 / 11:00 – 17:00
On Sunday, the focus will be on the artistic approaches to the art collection developed by Isaac Chong Wai, Lizza May David, Wilhelm Klotzek, Ofri Lapid, Adrien Missika and Gitte Villesen as part of the current exhibition.
Location: Polygon, ifa, Linienstrasse 139/140, 10115 Berlin
11:00 Inka Gressel and Susanne Weiß, greeting
11:10 Isaac Chong Wai: “Mourning, Performance and Käthe Kollwitz” (talk will be held digitally and in English)
Location: ifa Gallery Berlin
11:50 Ofri Lapid and Michal Ronen “Language tour: unravelling the translation chain”.
12:30 Wilhelm Klotzek: “Institute for Relationships – from Carla Claus to Lizza Ray Thompson”.
13:10-14:00 Break – Soup
14:00 Lizza May David: “Archival approaches from Dortmund to Baguio City”.
14:40 Gitte Villesen: “When silktails started eating a different fruit, the tail tips changed color from yellow to orange”
15:20 Adrien Missika: “Outdoor collection” (presentation will be in English)
16:00 Finissage and guided tour