Peter Robinson, Syntax Systems, 2015. © Artspace NZ. Courtesy of the artist and Hopkinson Mossman, Auckland.

Today, new forms of organisation constitute new social realms that can also function as spaces for post-identitarian action, collective production and dissemination by involving non-art audiences and local neighbourhoods. Furthermore, this method involves a broad range of aesthetic, social and political practices that cannot be subsumed in a work of art tob e exhibited or sold as a product.

We will investigate if the creation of these new organisations on the one hand comes out of a specific post-colonial, globalised condition, and on the other hand expresses a line off light from dominant fields, disciplines and practices in ordert o engage with a broader social realm and gain partial autonomy from the field of Contemporary Art (as we knew it).

Curators: Elke aus dem Moore, Misan Adnan Yildiz

Artists: Lonnie Hutchinson, KUNCI, Daniel Maier-Reimer, Syafiatudina, Natalie Robertson, Peter Robinson, Gabriel Rossell-Santillán, Kalisolaite ’Uhila


Friday, 3 June 2016, 16:00
Curatorial Tour and Artist Talk
With Daniel Maier-Reimer and Syafiatudina (KUNCI), Peter Robinson, Gabriel Rosell-Santillán and Kalisolaite ’Uhila and the curators Elke aus dem Moore (ifa) and Misal Adnan Yildiz (Artspace NZ Auckland).

Friday 8 July 2016, 19:00
Shared Experiences of some Micro-Hostories Sharing: Wit and Against and For. A film programme conceived by Madeleine Bernstorff.

The film programme confronts two levels of shared experiences: on the one hand the filmic representation of rituals from the Mediterranean region and their communal sociality, which film maker Cecilia Mangini captured in an immersive – musical way in the early 1960s. On the other hand two films which each in their own very idiosyncratic ways attempt to share and convey the knowledge about disenfranchisement in the anti-(neo-)colonial context and the political actions countering it. Including a short digression into the political cultural anthropology of Ernesto de Martinos, Cecilia Mangini’s collaborator.

Radio KUNCI @ Ifa- Galerie Berlin – Open Space

As kick-off of “Politics of Sharing – On Collective Wisdom”, ifa Gallery Berlin shares its space with the transdisciplinary collective KUNCI Cultural Studies Centre from Yogyakarta. In a four-week-research project, KUNCI will transform the gallery space into a temporary radio station, in which the Indonesian practice of “numpang” will be collectively questioned  as a politics of sharing space, place and time. The notion of “numpang” refers to spatial positionings and vernacular social interactions that demand the consent of others. Be it car sharing, temporary shelter, or the occupation of public spaces: Which values are being exchanged? How are values and profits defined, how does this problematise notions of real estate? And how does the practice of “numpang” undermine the relation between individuality and collectivity?

Local and international actors and initiatives are invited to negotiate their perspectives on sharing in different geopolitical situations. Radio KUNCI will broadcast programmes about weekly topics.

KUNCI Cultural Study Centre acts as an independent, transdisciplinary collective at the interface of theory and practice. Since its foundation in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, in 1999, KUNCI is dedicated to researching, producing, and sharing critical knowledge – by means of publications, cross-disciplinary encounters, research, artistic interventions, and educational practice.

Members: Antariksa, Brigitta Isabella, Ferdiansyah Thajib, Nuraini Juliastuti, Syafiatudina, Hayyi Qoyyumi, Verry Handayani, Bagus Anggoro, Fiky Daulay, Gatari Suryakusuma a.o.


14 April – 14 May 2016

Making a Home Away from Home
Will your home become ours too? How does one carve out a feeling of belonging to a place which doesn’t belong to me to begin with? What are the limits of “numpang”? What lies between its use and abuse? How do people living in the same space give life to that space?

Thursday, 14 April 2016, 19:00
Introducing Radio KUNCI
Syafiatudina (KUNCI) in conversation with Philip Horst, Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanistik (ZK/U) and Initiative Flüchtlinge Willkommen.
Moderation: Elke aus dem Moore

The Publicness of Space-Sharing
How space-sharing can lead to communal organization of resources and land ownership? How are notions of ownership and common-use being shaped through “numpang”? How to disrupt the annexation of communal, creative use of space into property market value?

Thursday, 21st April 2016, 19:00
Ferdiansyah Thajib (KUNCI) in conversation with Alex Head, Wasteland Twinning Network.

Studying Space-Sharing
How can “numpang” create a situation for study? What kind of values are being exchanged in this interaction? How to contextualize the history of “numpang” in contemporary artistic context? How to unlearn “numpang”?

Tuesday, 26 April 2016, 19:00
Nuraini Juliastuti (KUNCI) in conversation with Annette Krauss, artist and Hyunju Chung, artist.

Numpang as Politics of Sharing-Space
What alternative forms of politics and economy are being produced in the practice of “numpang” and sharing space? What meanings and values can be ascribed to this spatial practice? What kind of new power relations emerge in this situation?

Thursday, 12 May 2016, 7 pm
Syafiatudina (KUNCI) in conversation with AbdouMaliq Simone, urbanist.
Sharing means caring about the spaces of a city as well as ist people. AbdouMaliq Simone – internationally renowned urbanist and research professor with over thirty years of research and practical experience on urban culture and practices of social interchange will be the main guest of radio KUNCI at the discussion on alternative forms of sharing space at ifa Gallery Berlin.

He is currently research professor at the Max-Planck-Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity and visiting professor of sociology at Goldsmiths College, University of London, visiting professor at the African Centre for Cities, University of Cape Town, research associate with the Rujak Center for Urban Studies in Jakarta, and research fellow at the University of Tarumanagara. As a researcher and practioner he is internationally known for investigating in “alternative modernities” in the Global South.

AbdouMaliq Simone’s writings have been an immense inspiration for KUNCI’s ideas and projects on modern urban landscapes. “It helps us to unlearn our idea of development. Development should relate tot he people and we should ask how a city can grow along with the movement of people inside of it” is KUNCI’s given reference.

AbdouMaliq Simone’s text on “People as Infrastructure”, is currently available at the open space at ifa Gallery Berlin. The KUNCI collective applies this text to the Indonesian practice of “numpang”. “In our contemporary urban contexts “numpang” refers to ways of building infrastructures in time of housing crisis, economy problems, and many of established and formal regulations of the welfare state that have failed to take care of citizens” explains Syafiatudina from KUNCI and curator of the open space.