Isaac Chong Wai, Lizza May David, Wilhelm Klotzek, Ofri Lapid, Adrien Missika and Gitte Villesen feature works from the ifa art collection.
*after Ruth Wolf-Rehfeldt
ifa Gallery Berlin’s exhibition series Out of the Box adopts a practice of reexamining individual works from ifa’s art collection, which become part of an artistic/curatorial revision. In the upcoming exhibition Spheres of Interest* artists Isaac Chong Wai, Lizza May David, Wilhelm Klotzek, Ofri Lapid, Adrien Missika and Gitte Villesen open a dialogue, marked by different artistic approaches, with selected artworks from the collection.
19.00 Introduction: Ellen Strittmatter (Head of ifa art department), Inka Gressel & Susanne Weiß (curators)
20.00 Performance Concert: Adrien Missika feat. John Cage, Mozart Mix