As each perspective is unique, each center is subjective: The center is the one from which each individual speaks.
Carrefour / Meeting Point is an exhibition which investigates the notion of subjective center where different paths cross. A moment of encounter between individual trajectories, where the intersections of single practices and informal migratory lines constantly draw new routes.
The curator Alya Sebti puts the city of Marrakech as metaphorical center, crossroad between North and Sub-Saharan Africa, East and West. She takes the Marrakech Biennale as a starting point, inviting participants who worked at past editions and together with them she creates a further new space for encounter where new ideas are developed and future projects can be pursued. Drawing new porous routes, opening up to new forms of languages , this exhibition is a journey toward the other.
In recent years the ifa Galleries in Berlin and Stuttgart have presented international biennals supported by ifa (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen). Ifa is also responsible for the German Pavillon at the Venice Biennale.
Curated by Alya Sebti
Artists: Saâdane Afif, Leila Alaoui, Yassine Balbzioui, Max Boufathal, Megumi Matsubara, Clara Meister, S.T.I.F.F.
Friday, 17 July 2015, 16:00
Exhibition Talk with Saadane Afif, Yassine Balbzioui, Max Boufathal, Megumi Matsubara and Clara Meister, S.T.I.F.F. and curator Alya Sebti.
Thursday, 17 September 2015, 19:00
How Peripheries Become Centers. My center is your periphery. My periphery is your center – let’s create languages where we meet.
Carrefour / Meeting Point is a moment of encouter between individual trajectories where the intersections of single practices and informal migratory lines constantly draw new routes. By inviting participants who contributed to this exhibition and ist catalog, this talk will be dedicated to a dialog between cultural practices which shift and challenge the perception of center.
With: Alya Sebti, curator of the exhibition, the participants of the exhibition Saâdane Afif, Clara Meister and S.T.I.F.F., the catalog authors Nico Anklam (curator/author, Berlin) and Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung (curator, SAVVY Contemporary, Berlin).
Art Education
Tuesday, 1 September 2015, 18:00 – 21:00
Dance workshop: Triangle, circle, tangent – geometries of encounter.
As part of the Marrakech Biennial 5, the artist Saâdane Afif invited every evening to a geometry lesson in the main square of Marrakech. One of the drawings created there serves as a template for the production of a carpet in Traditional Berber Technique. In the workshop we experiment with possibilities of artistic translation and invite you to a dance exploration: (How) Can you dance the carpet?
With Heike Kuhlmann (dancer, choreographer and dance teacher; somatic movement research and contact improvisation).
Thursday, 1 October, 19:00
Art Education in Practice #4
Radijojo Morocco – Children and young people make media for peace, democracy and children’s rights
Thomas Röhlinger, founder, senior educator and editor-in-chief of Radijojo World Children’s Media Network gives an insight into the Radijojo Morocco project. What possibilities does the medium of radio offer in transcultural political education?
The project We are the Future of Morocco was funded by the ifa funding programme zivik from 2012 to 2014. The project was funded by and within the framework of the Transformation Partnerships with North Africa/Middle East.