Premiere at ifa Gallery Berlin on June 6th, 2024, 19:00

For his exhibition MEASURES LULLABIES AND WHISPERS at ifa Gallery Berlin, Joël Andrianomearisoa writes on the trails of his memory. He draws inspiration from a lullaby his grandmother sang to him before bedtime. Iny Hono Izy Ravorombazaha, the white bird. The hauntingly beautiful rhythm of the lullaby, soundtrack of the exhibition, draws visitors towards the back of the room, unveiling an unprecedented video installation.

The film, shot entirely in Antananarivo, Madagascar, inaugurates a new artistic practice for Andrianomearisoa. PLEASE SING ME MY SONG BEFORE YOU GO weaves processes of writing, on material, text, and architecture in an imagery that blurs the spatio-temporal framework of narrative. Starring Zahra Rabeharisoa, Alexandre Gourçon and Miora Rakotoarimanana.

MEASURES LULLABIES AND WHISPERS. Curated by Meriem Berrada and Alya Sebti. 07.06. – 01.09.2024

PLEASE SING ME MY SONG BEFORE YOU GO. 20 min, 21 sec. Produced by ifa Gallery Berlin and Studio Joël Andrianomearisoa. © Joël Andrianomearisoa 2024