Agnieszka Dutka
Andrzej Kaousta
Jasoslaw Kawiorski
Leszek Oprzadek
The exhibition “Artists from Krakow” was created at the suggestion of the Federal German Press and Information Office and the German Federal Foreign Office in cooperation with the Embassy of the Republic of Poland and the Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen and shows works by Agnieszka Dutka, Andrzej Kapusta, Jaroslaw Kawiorski and Leszek Oprzadek.
This exhibition presents works by four younger Krakow artists who have studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow and some of whom also teach there. Although they live and create in this city and are an organic part of its image, their work is already known outside of Krakow.
Of course, the exhibition cannot and does not intend to be an overview of the Krakow art scene. Rather, it focuses on individual artistic personalities. Thus, no universal trend is sought out. The only common thread is perhaps the fact that all of these individual artists are now beginning to see work they have been chipping away at represented in the international art world.
These four artists, who do not belong to any particular “school” or “group”, were chosen quite deliberately. They work in different art forms: painting, graphics, sculpture. Each of the four artists takes a path of their own. The treatment of the urban labyrinth in Agnieszka Dutka’s graphics, the relationship between body and pictorial space in Andrzej Kapusta’s paintings, the energetic compositions of rich colours in Jaroslaw Kawiorski’s painting, and the architecture of Leszek Oprzadek’s ceramic sculptures – they are all individual expressions of creative self-development. It is precisely this kaleidoscopic nature that makes this exhibition so appealing and paradigmatic.