With INTERLOOP, the ifa-Galerie Berlin is reflecting back on the research and exhibition programme Untie to Tie – On Colonial Legacies and Contemporary Societies. An essential facet of this project was the comprehensive event and education programme that accompanied the four exhibitions. INTERLOOP offers insight into the processes “behind the scenes”, sharing experiences and knowledge while also giving rise to new constellations.
to interloop designates the (textile) process of intertwining, interweaving, or interconnecting. Open workshops, reading and listening stations, and discursive access points invite one to pick up the various threads of this theme year and weave them into new textures. In weekly settings of practice and reflection, protagonists from different contexts will come together and explore non-hierarchical, collective forms of knowledge transfer:
Week 1 is devoted to active listening/hearing, to sounds and their resonances. The focus is placed on sound as a subtle, non-material form of transferring messages, intervening in public space, and documenting experiences.
Week 2 explores (un-)readabilities and counter-readings. By experimenting with strategies of reading-between-the-lines, highlighting, erasing, and overwriting, we will be probing the emancipatory treatment of the canon of knowledge mediated through schoolbooks and children’s literature.
Week 3 of INTERLOOP revolves around transition – from body to space, from the art institution into the city, from the theme year On Colonial Legacies and Contemporary Societies to the new focus of Untie to Tie 2018–19: Movement.